Tuesday, August 5, 2014

No 200 Last Push Horse Paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

no 200 Last Push  
  ©+Laurie Pace       Graphics One Design 2014

 Size:30 x 30  Oil on Canvas. Sold

This was one of those discovery horse paintings. I was playing with the spray bottle and dripping paint and literally watching it run and the energy of this horse literally came to the front. It seemed like one of those moments in life that feels like it has transpired over 24 hours but it was actually only over two hours. It was a horse painting that left me feeling more creative and wanting to start again, but no matter what I could never capture this same feeling again. It is a road only traveled once.

I have sought your face with all my heart;

    be gracious to me according to your promise. Psalm 119:58

#horsepainting  #lauriepaceart  #equineart

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014