Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"Searing" by Karla Nolan, unframed palette knife oil painting

 Luckily it hasn't gotten this hot so far this summer -- but you know the kind of day I'm talking about, don't you?  The "you can fry the egg on the sidewalk" sort of day, searing, mind boggling heat.  Not a cloud in the sky.  The living isn't necessarily so easy when you're sweating your way through the day!  Well, for the first time in the 27 years  that we've lived in our sweet Fort Collins, we have air conditioning in our house and, while I'm not in any hurry to use it, it is comforting (no pun intended) to know we have access to cooler temperatures. 

"Searing", 16"x20" unframed palette knife oil painting on gesso panel, $640 includes s/h in continental U.S., click Paypal button below or write me at for more information