Sunday, March 10, 2013


$225.00 + shipping 10.00 

Abstract and cubist oil painting of women singing…but that’s debatable.

You were probably thinking Diana Ross? Not even close .Both women had a little talent but after much serious introspection, neither realized they would ever see the lights of Broadway. Myrna’s baritone was a bit jarring and Gloria’s high notes created such an abrasive mix, many tenets started complaining that their abode sounded like a breeding salon for stray cats. ”Singing the blues” was not just a title of a song but was a tragic reality.

To make a bit of cash they would book at seedy lounges where “Live Music” would give these dives a bit of class. They finally found a bungalow outside Queens that was far enough away as not to disturbe the urban population. The one blessing is that Myrna’s aunt died and having no relatives left , or who would speak to her ,she inherited enough money that they both could live without working indefinitely .Aunt Myrna was their only family who without fail, would invite themselves out for her Birthday. Aunt Myrna, not the impious type, would graciously sit while they played and sang a duo. Thank God she still had some Morphine left. Now they sip on Martinis all day and sing. Both are constantly going into this diatribe about “Practice Makes Perfect”, but after 50 years it’s time to reconsider some fictitious dream and start spending some of that cash
You may purchase this painting here or on my website
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