Sunday, June 7, 2015

Afternoon Delight by Kay Wyne

Afternoon Delight
12" x 12" Oil on RayMar Cotton Panel
Contemporary Palette Knife Painting
Yesterday was the Artists' Reception at Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas, Texas for the "It's A Small World" exhibit.  There was a great turn-out, and this painting, "Afternoon Delight" took third place in the jurying.  (A total surprise for me, since I haven't won anything in a long time!!!)  Judges were Steve Hahn and Ellie Taylor, both fabulous artists.  Here is a pic of gallery owner Pam Massar, Ellie, Steve and I with my framed painting.
It was so much fun to meet some new collectors and artists throughout the afternoon.  It was especially fun to have friend Gwen Bell take second place and studio partner Sharon Hodges take first place in the judging.  
Sharon Hodges taking home a blue ribbon!
That cheeseburger was fabulous!!!
Pam Massar, Steve Hahn, Gwen Bell with her fabulous painting "Dog Days", and Ellie Taylor.  If you missed the opening reception, please stop by the gallery to see all of the small paintings in the show...they are wonderful.  To top off my afternoon, three of my rooster paintings sold...they flew the coop and now have a new home.  A big thank you to Pam and her staff!  Thanks for looking at this blog...send any comments or questions my way.  Kay