this is kind of different, isn't it? We were in Yellowstone a number
of years ago, just driving along, looking at all the marvelous sights
when I saw something that just didn't quite seem to fit in with what I
expected to see in Wyoming. Hawaii, yes, Wyoming, no. Water lilies
were in bloom in water near the road -- I got out of the car, went over,
looked at almost black water, and there they were, floating on the
pads, in that water. I was amazed, and bright yellow, to boot! We have
been back to Yellowstone National Park since then, drove to the same
spot, and, voila, they weren't anywhere to found. Another amazing
nature story from the mysterious planet called Earth!
Water Lilies in Yellowstone National Park", 11"x14" measured edge to
edge glass, framed painting on glass, $465 includes s/h
in continental U.S., click Paypal button below or write me at
KarlaNolan@gmail.com for more information
Thanks for viewing my art! Greetings from Fort Collins, Colorado