Monday, October 14, 2013

"Cool Green Fields" abstract by Lynne Cunningham

"Cool Green Fields" by Lynne Cunningham

acrylic inks and acrylic on panel, 12" x 6"

October, 2013 

   If interested in this painting, contact me   H E R E;    this one will be going to a gallery soon.

I've been busy in the studio! First getting ready for and hosting an Open Studio event, and then setting up the studio again for a week of focused private instruction with my student.   Topics covered were the color wheel, color mixing and color theory, and one of my favorite topics - "Nature in the Abstract" -- so many resources to be found in the world of nature for ideas on Abstract paintings.

My student found me through my website; emailed me; we spoke by phone a few times and I suggested subjects we'd cover and places to stay - she flew in from the East Coast. I supplied all the materials and she brought her favorite brushes .  Painting in my studio was very comfortable for the 2 of us, and it must have been truly inspiring for her; my student had a huge breakthrough in painting!  See the results of the personalized workshop here:  

some of the color studies, painting exercises and paintings