Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Deliberate Distraction by Kay Wyne

Deliberate Distraction
18" x 24" Oil on Canvas
Contemporary Abstract Painting
There are many directions this painting could of taken,
but yesterday's final session with it took on more color,
more organic shapes.  When I began this painting months
ago, I was painting a herd of horses, which you can see.  
I got into some nuetrals and earth tones, then in the last 
few days put some loopy colorful lines overlapping and
pulling the piece together.  I thought that the color 
punched it up.  The last two days I have been
pulled away from my easel, therefore the title, Deliberate
Distraction.  Thanks for looking at this blog and
the art posted here.  You can email me for more
information on this painting.  Thanks, Kay