sold ! "Simplicity, version two"
acrylic on panel, 12" x 12"
This painting has recently sold! I love creating artwork; I almost get as much enjoyment out of seeing the work appreciated by others as creating it, although I haven't met the buyer. I might dedicate this to the instructor I had years ago who stated to a classroom full of about 25 students "you should NOT use pink with orange". . . .here's to listening to your own (true) voice!
Here is a link on my website to view the paintings in this ongoing gallery show for August / September; contact me if you'd like information on where to purchase any on that page.
So much is going on at the moment with my art! Below is the image which is a preview of a magazine cover for the September issue. We have artist Studio Tours in my metropolitan area coming up and there's been some wonderful recognition of my artwork! This painting "Domain of the Frog" was created a few years back; it sold a couple years ago but this is the one the editor wanted for the print issue. I'm really happy with her choice as well as being featured!
More of my art news is here. You can easily contact me through the Contact Artist page if you're interested in the art shown on my website.