Tuesday, March 12, 2013

'Implications', abstract mixed media painting by Lynne Cunningham

"Implications", mixed media on canvas, 24" x 30" 
acrylic, acrylic ink, oil paints
completed March 11, 2013
(Calif. residents pay sales tax) 

I estimate shipping costs within the U.S. would be around $75. and would be by FedEx Ground.  Please contact me H E R E       for comments, questions and to purchase the painting.  It is planned for a show in early summer but is available here . . . now!

I'm focusing on abstracts and abstracted landscapes for 2013; a new season of spring, the time of growth and I'm doing new work. 

To see more about my process with abstract painting you may visit this    this blog post    
And if you'd like to see more abstracts, see the  abstract  gallery   h e r e   on my website

I took a photo in the early morning sun to highlight the textured surface of the canvas, which  happens with all the layering that went on with the painting, palette knife work and mark-making.  Double click to see the larger image for the texture.