Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quiet Times - Palette Knife Painting by Kay Wyne

This palette knife painting is finished. It is on a large canvas, 48" x 72". I used my palette knives (see photograph below) and my oils to create this painting. I wanted a soft and quiet color palette for this painting...which is a complete detour from what I usually paint. Actually, someone at the studio commented that they wouldn't know it was a Kay Wyne painting because of the colors and application of the paint. I guess I was in the mood for something different.
I was gathering up my knifes before I left the studio, and couldn't resist taking a pic. Different sizes, different shapes, different brands....and just like my brushes, I have my favorite knives. Yesterday was a fun day. I was painting en plein air downtown Dallas. The group I was with painted the Old Red Courthouse. It was a challenge with all the architectural details on the old building. I had several meetings and then got some afternoon painting in at the studio. More pics of more paintings to come! Thanks for viewing this blog and my art. Have a great day!