Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On Fire by Kay Wyne

On Fire
Oil on 48" x 48" Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Abstract Palette Knife Painting
On Fire not only describes this painting, but my day. I had a cluster goof-ups that happened over and over...It must been the red hot Texas heat getting to me. On Fire is a contemporary abstract painting that started out as a horizon painting....and the horizon is there. But, I saw trees in a cluster.....and then they were on fire. So if you stand back from the painting and look at it, you can see the forest, the fire in several places smoldering, and the smoke. This was an exciting painting to paint because it was constantly changing. I used a limited color palette along with the palette knife. When you are viewing this painting up close, you can see the depth and the texture. Thanks for viewing this blog and my art! Kay