Sunday, November 7, 2010

Aspens in Color by Kay Wyne

Aspens in Color
12" x 12" Oil on Masonite
This painting is hanging at the The Dutch Art Gallery. This small painting is only 12" x 12". I was talking to a lady who was interested in this painting....and she was drawn to it because of the colors. I told her that if the painting speaks to her, that is reason enough to consider purchasing. I have four other aspen paintings hanging at Dutch Art in the show. I was amazed at the wonderful art...really good art at the show. If you missed the reception yesterday, here is the show info:
Where Texas Finds Its Color
The Artists of Texas - Second Annual State Show
November 2 - December 31, 2010
The Dutch Art Gallery
10233 East Northwest Highway Suite 420
Dallas, Texas 75238

I have been away from my easel and blog for about two weeks....I was in an automobile accident and I was sidelined for a while. But I am back! I hope to be posting some new paintings. Have an artful day! Thanks for looking at my blog...Kay