Thursday, February 11, 2010

Center Of His Own Attention, a whimsical figurative oil painting by California artist, Brenda York

24x36" oil on canvas, email me for purchase information

400! Yep, this post is number 400 on my blog. Wow...deep breath.

That's a lot of chatter by yours truly. I hope you enjoy the stories of my life, my kids, my struggles and enchantment with art-making. But mostly I hope you are touched by my art. It's like putting a little piece of my soul "out there" and at this point in my life, I'm OK with that. Really. This is what I do and who I am; definitely not mainstream.

But the folks that appreciate my paintings are passionate and just a little bit twisted. Like me. And, as unbelievable as it seems, somehow we find each other. For me, it's like finding a long lost friend--someone who speaks the same language, someone who appreciates the absurd and still sees the intrinsic beauty. So to my slightly twisted and passionate followers and collectors: thank you for coming along with me on this wacky little adventure and I promise you at least 400 more equally quirky and slightly bizarre works of art. From my heart.

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