Saturday, June 2, 2018

contemporary mixed media collage painting 'never. the. less.' by santa fe artist dawn chandler

never. the. less.
by dawn chandler

Never. The. Less.
by Dawn Chandler 

contemporary figurative painting
mixed media collage

24” x 24” x 1.5

Never.The.Less. is my response to Kyo Gallery's call to create a painting inspired by the idea of "Resist/Recover. " A departure from my usual landscapes, Never. The. Less. is a brief and passionate return to figurative mixed media, as I populate the painting with a community of women from across the ages — including some from my own family.
Never. The Less. is available at Kyo Gallery in Alexandria, Virginia. Contact them here to make this provocative yours .

Find more paintings by Santa Fe artist Dawn Chandler via her online gallery at or

Find Dawn Chandler on Facebook and on Instagram.

Join Dawn and her Inside the Studio Notes