Saturday, July 9, 2016

Study with Sandra Duran Wilson at Art Unraveled 2016 in Phoenix, AZ

"Fear No Color" with Sandra Duran Wilson
August 7th
Art Unraveled 2016

Have you ever struggled with colors not turning out as you had envisioned them or your colors end up muddy? Then this class is for you. You will learn which colors, when placed next to each other, will create a specific mood for your art. Whether you are a painter, book artist or mixed media artist, this class will give you the knowledge and confidence to develop your own signature color scheme. We will work with values, composition and hues. You will create color studies, learn the power of glazing and uncover the secrets to successful color compositions. You will discover the beauty of layering color and which colors will cover and color and which will color, but be transparent. We will put all of this together on panels and paper. You will leave with lots of new found color confidence, valuable color studies and finished art to boot. What a fun day!

Click HERE for more info or to Register

View Sandra's other workshops at Art Unraveled HERE

View Sandra's work at