Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Janet Bludau in Day 1 of Tom Balderas Workshop

This painting is 1/2 Janet Bludau and 1/2 Tom Balderas.  Oh My, there is a lot to learn.  I wish I could just jump into his body and feel what he is thinking, feeling, knowing.  In 3 minutes, he transformed the bottom of my painting.  This is a study in Values.  We were only to use various tones of gray to convey the darks and the lights of our still life in front of us.  The red around the saucer was added last just for fun.  I think we will be using some color in day 2 (next Monday).  That probably sounds more interesting to most of you but this is hard enough!  Also, I really do like the look of these almost black and white paintings.