Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Almost" fun, comic, whimsical, illustrative acrylic by Oklahoma Equine Artist Jonelle T. McCoy


What artist doesn't every once in awhile want to experiment, have fun, push the comfort zone, try something new? I've been in that kind of mood, and here is the first of my playful results using a different approach to the way I create my line style, and other fun things. This comical, whimsical and somewhat illustratively executed painting has been done on a standard Frederick's watercolor canvas (very smooth surface) with acrylics. The size is 16"x 20". Called "Almost", who can admit that you haven't seen a horse do this and not laugh? The eager horse has his lips peeled back and tongue stretched out to get the prize, the juicy red apple. I hope he gets it! We all have goals like this we reach for, don't we? It is available for purchase.