"Madame Nancy Matisse" 12003
12X12 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
OK, I was just having some fun here after I saw some Facebook posts so read the rest of the story on my blog. Nancy Standlee Art Blog
I'm having so much fun on Pinterest and here is my BOARD link.
It's an invitation only deal and they say request an invite from them but I don't see where on the site but one area and I've left several comments/questions there and have never heard anything so IF you'd like to have an invitation, send me your email and I'll invite you. There is a follow me button at the top of my blog that you will see everything I pin. Right now I'm mostly pinning art but I can see where it could be easy to spend a lot of hours there checking out some beautiful everything. CONTEMPORARY ABSTRACT ACRYLIC PAINTING, PAINTINGS FOR SALE, DAILY PAINTWORKS, FIGURATIVE PAINTING. MIXED MEDIA FIGURATIVE ABSTRACT, TEXAS DAILY PAINTER, ACRYLIC MIXED MEDIA TEXTURED ABSTRACT PAINTING, DAILY PAINTWORKS AUCTION. ARTISTS OF TEXAS, CONTEMPORARY FINE ARTS INTERNATIONAL, NANCY STANDLEE ART, DAILY PAINTERS ABSTRACT GALLERY, PINTEREST
BLOG Nancy Standlee Art Blog
WEBSITE Nancy Standlee
WEBSITE Canvas by Canvas
Contact: NancyStandlee@sbcglobal.net