Monday, December 12, 2011

Bubba In A Tub by Kay Wyne

Bubba In A Tub
24" x 20" Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Bubba is finished!!!! It has taken me several months to finish this painting. Bubba is his real name, and his owners, Scott and Diane Bagley of Rural Route Illinois were kind enough to let me walk their farm earlier this year. His ear tag says # 305, and I had a very hard time reading what was underneath the numbers....I am thinking his name was on that tag, so I took the liberty of putting it on the tag. Bubba is real cute, and I wanted to capture his expression as he stood with his front feet in the tub. This contemporary calf is looking for a new home. Please contact me if you are interested in hanging Bubba in your home. Thanks for viewing....Kay at 214-532-0325 or