Sunday, May 1, 2011

"CAROL 2011" - daily painter original self portrait © Carol Nelson Fine Art

"CAROL 2011"


I took this picture of myself holding the camera at arm's length.  The Daily Paintworks challenge this week is to paint a quirky, unusual self portrait.  I wanted to do one that was off center, cropped and very colorful.

I think I cropped it too close on the right side by cutting my eyeball in half.  Oh well, it is what it is.  I suppose some day when I'm gone, my kids will think this is great.

My husband said I took off 20 years - NOT TRUE!  I have a pair of cool glasses.  They are rimless, but are difficult to paint.  They're there and yet,not there.  I ran into those a couple times last year during my 100 portrait project.

I also think I used too much purple (can there be such a thing?) but I didn't want to redo the whole area around my eyes.  The lenses in my glasses are actually purple on the EDGE, and that doesn't show well in the photo.  They have to be viewed from just the right angle to see the purple edging.

This was a fun challenge.  See for more self portraits.