Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Solo Act: Red Indian Paintbrush", by Karla Nolan, palette knife, brush, oil painting on gessoed panel

I've been ill with a sinus infection this last week or so -- miserably ill.  I know, being sick is the body's way of saying "slow down" -- and I saw "whatever!"  That said, here is the gift to myself, a fun and favorite flower of mine to paint, the Indian paintbrush which grows wild in the West and Southwest parts of the U.S.  A big "cheer me up" to myself!

"Solo Act: Red Indian Paintbrush", 16"x12" palette knife and brush oil painting on gessoed panel, sold unframed, $215 plus s/h to be determined at time of sale; please write me at for more information

I have set up a second website, Paintings On Glass, to showcase my paintings on glass.  There is a piece in progress as I type with sailboats.  That's a true challenge, showing proper structure and making the water look good.  Be sure to check it out, along with my new blogspot, listed below.
Look below for a link to yet another art blogspot, one that I created for my paintings on glass, or click here:  PaintingOntoGlass

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