6 x 6 inches, Oil on Board
$90.00 - Available
I've been painting angels and angels and angels it seems and this one was going to be a study for another "couple angel". I had it sketched with my brown pencil but I didn't quite like it....it sat around in my stack of 6 x 6 boards waiting it's fate.
So this afternoon as I was looking for another board to tone to get ready for more painting I grabbed this board and was going to wipe the pencil sketch off with some turpentine when I realized that the posture of the two was rather nice. I outlined it with some brown paint and then the next bit was to put down red for the dress - suddenly it came alive. I didn't want to mess with it and lose that "feeling"....because it was when I painted the red the word "Ardent" popped in my head.
This painting came together so quickly and I'm really pleased with it...I hope you will feel the same way too.