I'll been on a roll lately with my oil painting, probably making up for all of last week when I was ill with bronchitis. I honestly HATE being sick, I get so cranky when I can't create, and am perfectly miserable. Yech! I can't even stand myself! However, now it's back to the artwork, even though I have remnants of my illness. Phooey on them! Go away, sickness, come back, art works!!!!!
I painted a similar painting a few years back with the tiniest of palette knives; this time I used brushes, as well. Ah, the beautiful time of day, sunset, dusk, twilight, sundown -- call it what you will, it is the prettiest to me.
"Tranquil Eve", palette knife/brush oil painting on 8"x10" linen panel, $100 includes s/h in U.S., contact me at KarlaNolan@gmail.com and I'll mail you a Paypal invoice -- s/h in other locations to be determined at time of sale, of course.
I have set up a second website, Paintings On Glass, to showcase my paintings on glass. There is a piece in progress as I type with sailboats. That's a true challenge, showing proper structure and making the water look good. Be sure to check it out, along with my new blogspot, listed below.
Look below for a link to yet another art blogspot, one that I created for my paintings on glass, or click here: PaintingOntoGlass
MORE NEWS at KarlaNolanBlogspot