Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fly Away Home by Brenda York

20x16" oil on canvas, email me for purchase info

Just a couple of weeks ago my daughter, Cameron, and I were on our college trip, looking at possible schools where she will spend the next four (fingers crossed) years. Jeez, this is what we/she has been working toward all these years and guess what? She's ready. And me? Well I've been so caught up in the flurry of applications, housing plans, dorm deposits, scholarships, travel plans, etc...that I think my head was buried in the sand. Not that I wasn't paying attention but I sure got sidetracked by the details and momentarily forgot that she really is leaving. Her home. Flying the nest, this one...and I couldn't be more proud.

To see more of my paintings please visit my website and my blog. Enjoy!

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