Saturday, January 23, 2010

100 PORTRAITS IN 100 DAYS - Tori, 24/100, © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Day 24

This is the daughter of another artist, Julia Kulish. Julia said this pose reminded her of The Girl With The Pearl Earring. It DOES! Julia is a painter known for her large florals, but she tried painting this photo of her daughter last month (see the blog by clicking on her name).

I laughed, Julia, when you said you painted her mouth seven times. I remember a quote from some artist whose name escapes me: A portrait is a painting of a person where there's always something wrong with the mouth. I agree. I think I got her mouth a little more upturned than the photo and the lower lip is a little more pouty. Yup - there's always something wrong with the mouth. LOL

For purchase information, please see my website.


  1. Amazing work Carol! I did a self portrait for class a few months ago, and I tried and tried so many times to get my mouth correct, but I kept failing! Everything was correct and you could tell it was me, until I put the mouth in, then it changed everything! No idea why. I thought it would be the eyes that would ruin it. Glad to see I'm not the only one!
