Friday, January 22, 2010

100 PORTRAITS IN 100 DAYS - Sue, 23/100, © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Day 23

Doesn't Sue look like a fun person? She indicated she wanted the full Fauvist treatment in her portrait and even went so far as to imagine what colors she thought I'd use. Did you imagine orange, turquoise and purple, Sue?? LOL I had a lot of fun painting this one. For purchase information, please see my website.

My new computer with Windows 7 is not giving me too many problems. It comes with a photo software that I like. I tried using my old Picture It software and it was just cranky - did not work as smoothly as it did no Windows XP - so I had to start using the new software out of necessity.


AND THE WINNER IS: (drum roll) JONATHAN, 19/100 Thanks to all that sent in a vote. Jonathan was a resounding choice with 4 times the number of votes of the others. I'm convinced it was the mirrored glasses that captured everyone's attention. When I first saw the photo, I worried about how I was going to portray those glasses. I just painted what I saw. Someone commented that because of the ocean in the reflection, you get a portrait and a seascape in one.


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