Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Face Blue for Hale Abstract

"Face Blue for Hale"
original clay engraving with color
sealed, ready to hang
7" x 5"

Thesaurus says "hale" is an adjective. yes...
....fair weather and a hale crew healthy, fit, fighting fit, well, in good health, bursting with health, in fine fettle, strong, robust, vigorous, hardy, sturdy, hearty, lusty, able-bodied; informal in the pink, as right as rain. antonym unwell.
hale 1 |hāl|
Webster's dictionary says. . .
(of a person, esp. an elderly one) strong and healthy : only just sixty, very hale and hearty.
ORIGIN Old English , variant of hāl [whole.]
hale 2
verb [ trans. ] archaic
drag or draw forcibly : he haled an old man out of the audience.
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French haler, from Old Norse hala.

I'M IN love with this word. Last night we had lightening and thunder. Today a sudden rain storm that turned to hale. Fitting and put me in the mood to draw this face.

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