Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Landscape Challenge by Kay Wyne

This Landscape Challenge was finished several weeks ago. It was my interpretation of a black and white photograph posted on Different Strokes for Different Folks. I painted a 24 " x 24" gallery wrap canvas, laying in colors that I visualized. It is always fun to see what Karin Jurick posts for the artists to paint. It’s good to have a deadline on a project like this challenge…it pushes me a little bit to finish up a painting to submit. I never seem to have a problem starting a painting, but sometimes I am not motivated to work through a painting and complete it. I hope that you enjoy this painting…it is for sale if you would like to hang this painting in your home. A couple of fellow studio partners painted this also, and we agreed that it was a challenge as we grumbled and painted. Please go to Karin's blog: to view all the paintings submitted for this challenge. I have several paintings from these challenges posted on my blog: Thanks for taking the time to look!!!

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