Monday, June 29, 2009

Short Stuff by Brenda York

10x8" oil on canvas, SOLD

Feeling just a tad squatty lately; It has happened the past few summers when both of my kids are out of school and hanging around at home more. They tower above me. When did that happen? Geez! Then throw my two step-kids in the mix and I really look like mini-mom. They are all 6 feet or over except my baby, Cammy, and she's 5'11" and still growing. They just love to come up behind me when I'm straining on the step-stool to reach the jar of honey on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. They like to let me struggle for a few moments and then, with the greatest of ease, they will effortlessly pluck the honey jar from the shelf. Hmmm...guess I could move that honey jar down to the bottom shelf. Well, I might be short but I'm no slouch.

See more of my paintings on my website or my art blog. Enjoy!

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