Sunday, June 28, 2009

Homestead by Karen Mathison Schmidt

Homestead ©2009 Karen Mathison Schmidt
18 x 24 x 1 • acrylic on cradled Gessobord

SOLD • private collection, Trophy Club, Texas

We pass this house every time we drive into town. We used to think it was abandoned, but someone is keeping the little lawn mowed, then we found out it’s owned by the family that lives just across the highway from it. I think they use it for an office for their farm operation. I love the way it looks – a house with a little yard surrounded by giant pecan trees, right out there in the middle of the hayfields.

My idea for this one was for the focal point, the house, to be the most detailed part of the painting, with the foreground, the tall grasses that grow out by the highway, to be very impressionistic, almost abstract. I used brushes and painting knives on this, and layer upon layer of color to develop the wildness and texture of the foreground.


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