Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Contemporary Landscape, Small Landscape Painting "Did You Pause to Breathe?", By Passionate Purposeful Painter Holly Hunter Berry

Rushing to go from here to there especially now that we are out and enjoying more freedom can cause a bit of anxiety. Actually ,don't most of us tend to "over-do"? I think we tend to forget to slow down, look around, express gratitude for where we are and what we have and then...BREATHE! This scene was inspired by view from a field that I encountered on an adventure with a friend. We decided to be spontaneous and took the day to explore and yes we slowed down to breathe! This was painted with an assortment of bold colors, textures and charcoal that then developed into somewhat of an impressionist painting with a bent towards I suppose this could have been anywhere! Hope this inspires you to walk in gratitude as you slow down, look around and say..."Thank You"!

 6"x6"x1/8" Mixed Media on Panel in a Wooden Frame/Available

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