Thursday, March 26, 2020

Watercolor, Mixed Media Abstract Painting, Contemporary Art, Expressionism, “Swimmin’ With The Fishies” by Contemporary Artist Tracy Lupanow

" Murky thoughts, like murky waters, can serve two purposes only: to hide what lies beneath, which is our ignorance, or to make the shallow seem deep" 
- Giulio Tononi

 I often like to start a painting with spontaneous writing. It helps to clear my mind and channel my intuition. I really love how the writing peeks out from under the many layers of blue, green and turquoise paint, in this vibrant and glowing abstract painting!

Painted with acrylic and charcoal pencil. Mounted to a black cradle board.

24"x24"x .75" Mixed Media and Watercolor on Paper/Available


 Click HERE to purchase.

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