Thursday, July 7, 2016

Study with Sandra Duran Wilson at Art Unraveled 2016 in Phoenix, AZ

Art Unraveled 2016
"Get Graphic" with Sandra Duran Wilson
August 8th

Designing with strong black and white, or positive-negative space is known as Notan in Japanese design. It is a visually graphic method of adding depth and dimension to your composition. We will create colorful painted backgrounds and incorporate both opaque and transparent graphic text images and designs. I will bring transparent transfers of text to incorporate into your paintings and we will create beautiful black and white designs on paper with gesso and tools you make. Then we will go beyond that and mix it up as demonstrated in my third book, Mixed Media Revolution. We will cut up the designs and reconfigure them so each one is unique. These will be added to the painting and then glazing pulls it all together.

Learn More HERE

See Sandra's other Workshops at Art Unraveled HERE

View Sandra's work at