Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Study With Carol Nelson at Art Unraveled 2016 in Phoenix, AZ, August 5th

Art Unraveled 2016

"Make Your Abstracts Sing" with Carol Nelson

August 5th

Color theory is a complex subject. Color and value are important fundamentals for every painting, especially in abstract work. In this acrylic abstract workshop, we will do 3 or 4 paintings, each with an increasingly complex color palette. We will learn how use of a color wheel simplifies the process of color selection. Tired of mud? Learn how to choose colors that sing.

Click HERE for more info or to register for this workshop.


Can't make the workshop?Purchase my new video.....

"New Approaches to Mixed Media Materials,"

If you want to see what all the hoopla is about, click this link:


You can watch the trailer, and if you're not completely satisfied, there is a money back guarantee.

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