Saturday, January 2, 2016

Contemporary Abstract Painting "Tango From The Inside Out" by Contemporary Realism Artist Carol A. McIntyre

What do you see in this painting? I would love to know how you respond to this image. Do you see an abstracted human skeletal system?

 Here is what one of my collector's, Janet Ungs, wrote,

... you know what made the painting all come together for me?  Those four horizontal lines on the left side of the painting.  Prior to the lines, I felt all the energy of the painting contained in the center of the painting.  The red border seemed to be constrictive like it was keeping everything together and in its place.  Once the four horizontal lines appeared (which ran to the edge of the painting ... and seemingly off the painting) it expanded the energy of the entire painting ... to beyond the painting. 

 Then she asked, Does this make sense or just sound crazy?? It makes perfect sense to me and I loved that she made the observation.

  To view "Tango From Inside Out," in both a traditional and a contemporary setting please visit this portfolio page HERE

 "Tango From Inside Out," was awarded second place in the CFAI October 2014 Abstract  Showdown Juried Show! 

 24"x36x1.5" Oil on Canvas/Available

 Click HERE for pricing.

 Click HERE for a virtual tour of Carol's Colorado studio.

 Click HERE to view a video of the progression of a commissioned painting.

 Click HERE to read about or purchase Carol's new VIDEO!!