Saturday, July 18, 2015

Original Contemporary Modern Art Abstract Paintings by Filomena de Andrade Booth

Day at the Beach 36"x36"x1.5"
Abstract Acrylic on Canvas
It's time to move on!  
Right now I am up to my eyeballs in packing materials as we prepare to move from lovely China Spring, in central Texas, back to Florida to be closer to our family.  My husband and I found a home with a great studio space for me and close to the bike riding trails he loves so much.  I'm looking forward to getting the studio set up and to scheduling more Go Big, Go Bold workshops in Florida and Texas.  

Life is exciting!  
We never know what is around the corner, but the journey is certainly interesting.

If you are interested in purchasing one of my paintings, I hope you will check out my work on 
Artful Home.  
 Studio Sale ends on July 23
Click here for more information
Visit my website to see more of my original paintings!