Thursday, January 8, 2015

Art by Oklahoma Abstract Contemporary Equine Artist Jonelle T. McCoy

© "Swirling Spiraling Snow"

A wintery day inspired a nostalgic type painting- of Swirling Spiraling Snow. 

This lovely paso fino looks over to the side during a gentle but very cold snow storm, the horse stands covered with flakes on it's body, head and hair, yet is content in the elements. A vaporous steam curls from delicate nostrils into the frosty air. Even though I love the warm weather, I do love snow- I love it's stark beauty, the freshness, stillness and the peace it radiates. Big flakes falling and collecting on surfaces was something I loved to be out in, and this painting makes me think of those times with nostalgia for my growing up and early adult years in Upstate New York. Snow like this is a rarity in Oklahoma where I reside at the time this painting was created. 

What do you think about the snow? Do you like it, love it, loathe it? Does snow bring you memories you like to revisit? I could list many wonderful memories from a snowy world. I'd love to hear your stories.  

Jonelle T. McCoy
McCoy's Gaited Horse Artworks
Your Equine Art Connection!