Saturday, November 16, 2013

Christmas came early! by Carol Nelson

OH MY GOSH! I AM BLOWN AWAY! One of the benefits of being selected for Golden's Artist Educator Program was that, after completing and passing the final exam to be "certified," Golden Artist Colors, Inc. would send me $2500 worth of their products.

The FedEx truck pulled up with two boxes of Golden products today  There are Open Acrylics, High Flow Acrylics, Flourescent High Flow Acrylics, Tube Acrylics, Fluid Acrylics, Interference Acrylics, and Iridescent Acrylics. There are jars of Fiber Paste, several kinds of Molding Paste and Gel Medium, Digital Ground, Pumice Gels, Clear Tar Gel, and many more.

Fortunately, after our week of training last month in New Orleans, I know how to use all this stuff. Golden is such a generous company, and their products, which are MADE IN THE USA, are top notch professional quality. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to share these products with my workshop students.