Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bar And Grill by Brenda York

12x12" | acrylic, collage and charcoal on canvas | click here to bid

Most everyone Percy and Lionel encountered along the scenic route looked like a human warning sign. And smelled of patchouli. So in a moment of madness (or unbridled clarity) they threw their map out the window and hightailed it to Nell’s Bar and Grill. Enlightenment be damned.

So this is the last of my Big Little Paintings | Short Little Stories series. Whew, sixty paintings and sixty stories! Can I get an Amen! And hallelujah Sister!

So "now what?" you may be thinking...well, stay tuned. Next week I will be announcing the Big Little Paintings | Short Little Stories Book. And movie. That's right. So come back next week for the details. In the meantime, there are only a precious few of these paintings left. If you are hoping to add an original to your collection check out my online gallery.