Day 1
is a new painting I started this morning. I started out by covering an
old painting with a layer of white gesso, to build up texture on the
canvas. When the gesso was completely dry, I made wide, sweeping
gesture marks on the canvas with a black Caran d'Arche crayon. To add
more texture and to "veil" some of the markings, I made a mixture of
gloss medium, slow-dri blending medium and a little bit of gesso and
painted out some of the lines. I didn't worry too much about being neat
as I "sloshed" the paint on the canvas. At this point in the painting
process, I'm only thinking about establishing a structure that will be
the underpinning of the finished painting. Some of the marks will show
through and others will not.
Stay tuned to my next post to see the progress!
Original abstract painting
Texas Contemporary Abstract Artist
Filomena de Andrade Booth
Texas Contemporary Abstract Artist
Filomena de Andrade Booth
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