Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Carmel, CA; Seascape Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

16" x 20" Oil, $700

Mark took me to Carmel for my 50th,
and I'm still painting from the photos I took during that trip.
But that was nearly 10 years maybe
I need to return and get more photos?
Yes, I think that would be wise.

I've been a little manic with my painting lately;
I have never enjoyed it as much as I am presently.
And once I start, it's quite difficult to stop;
plus, the R&F pigment sticks make painting
such a party.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog;
I love checking in with whomever is actually perusing
my site, and would really love hearing from you
about what you are doing creatively today.

If interested in purchasing this one, please contact me at