Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Horse 27 by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, 100 horse paintings in 100 days for $100 each.

©Laurie Pace   Graphics One Design 1998-2012
Contact Laurie for Commission work or to purchase a painting.

By Texas Artist Laurie Pace 
8 x 8 inches Oil on Canvas 

100 Horses for 100 Days of Summer for $100 each.
Horse Paintings from my studio daily through out this summer. I am trying to focus on the joy of painting instead of the heat of summer, so now is the perfect time to collect a Pace Palette Knife Pony.
This Horse Painting explodes with knifed color and wide strokes by Texas Artist Laurie Pace.

Read more: http://lauriepace.blogspot.com/#ixzz1yIFizHZE