Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Apples on White Cloth Still Life Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

Apples on White Cloth
20"x24", Oil on Canvas

This is a traditional still life painted in oil on canvas, a large piece for a small price,
being an offering for my CHALLENGE 60
which lasts 18 more days -
then everything goes back to normal pricing.
To purchase please contact me at

Please see several paintings listed for $60 under CHALLENGE 60 Page at
priced at $60 for 18 more days.
I would love to sell everything and thereby have all of us generously
help a family we know who could use some bolstering.

I have so many paintings in my head to put to canvas.
It's a little crazy in there (my head) but definitely stimulating.
For direction I am thinking about
my new favorite art book: 
Len Chmiel - An Authentic Nature,
a stunning collection of awesome paintings.
Chmiel was influenced by Don Putman who 
"emphasized the importance of painting for individual fulfillment over art-world expectations:
'I paint to please myself and the pleasure is contagious.'"
This resonates with me.