Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lake Grapevine Commission by Palette Knife Artist, Judy Mackey

8" x  10", Oil on Cradled Board

This is the third commission for the same couple.  

The husband did call but he wanted a different painting of his sailboat - rather than "his sailboat" he wanted a painting of his son skippering the boat.  

Fast forward a month and I'm in my fixer house working on it when we decide to meet.  They wanted to see my house the work I've been doing on it so we agreed that they should come,  I set up the three paintings on a built-in niche in the house to display so that they can view the paintings.  At this point the husband only knows of the one painting and the wife only knows of one painting.  She does not know I did two paintings because I was going to have her choose which she'd like to give to him.

They arrive at my house, they come in, we exchange greetings, we talk about  my house and other gossip, I lead them to the room where the three paintings are displayed.

They both say the like the paintings.  And the husband turns to me and says, "are these other sailboat paintings for someone else - because I really like them and they look like my sailboat, the three would look great together, would I leave your inventory down if I said I wanted all three?"

This surprised me, of course and made the wife very happy as we spilled the beans that one or the other  were a belated Christmas gift to him from his wife.  And I was so happy that they wanted all three.  I loved the surprise on his face and the happiness in his wife's face for having surprised him.  

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

By the way, I've purposely spelled captain -'s the foreign spelling.  I just Googled "capitan" and the image of this painting pops up - how cool!

If you are interested in having a commission like the above, please email me at  If you like my work, I hope you will refer me to your friends.