Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Mesa Verde: Panaromic View", by Karla Nolan, palette knife, brush, oil painting on gessoed panel

Long a favorite place to visit, down in the southwestern corner of Colorado, Mesa Verde is almost hidden upon first approach.  It has cliff dwellings nestled into an opening which you can walk through, climb up ladders, peer down into kivas -- all sorts of interesting opportunities to explored the now defunct Anasazi civilization dwellings.  I'd highly recommend visiting there.  Possibly this is needless to say, but it certainly was a challenge to paint!

"Mesa Verde: Panaromic View", 11"x14"  palette knife and brush oil painting on gessoed panel, sold unframed, $195 plus s/h to be determined at time of sale; please write me at for more information

I have set up a second website, Paintings On Glass, to showcase my paintings on glass.  There is a piece in progress as I type with sailboats.  That's a true challenge, showing proper structure and making the water look good.  Be sure to check it out, along with my new blogspot, listed below.
Look below for a link to yet another art blogspot, one that I created for my paintings on glass, or click here:  PaintingOntoGlass

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