Saturday, March 12, 2011

150% of the sales price for "The Darkest Hour" goes to Japan Earthquake Efforts -- by California Daily Painter JJ Jacobs

"The Darkest Hour"
24" x 48" x 1.5"
Acrylic on canvas
$100 minimum bid*

*The horror of the quake and tsunami in Japan continues to wrench my heart as I watch and learn more details of the destruction of this nation. Last night as I was watching the news I picked up my paintbrush and proceeded to paint. While I feverishly squirted paint onto the canvas and swished the colors around with my largest brush, my anxiety and grief was somewhat appeased by the mere physicality of the motions, but I know that I need to do more.
So hoping others feel the same as I do, I am offering this painting for sale to the highest bidder with 150% of the purchase price going to the Red Cross for their disaster efforts for this devastated nation.
It's called "The Darkest Hour" and is 24" x 48" x 1.5" painting made with quality acrylics and coated with a final UV protective matte varnish. Ready to hang -- the minimum bid is $100. I will ship anywhere in the world and those charges will be added to the purchase price.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please send me an email with your highest offer to: and put "The Darkest Hour" in your subject line.
The bidding starts now and goes until midnight, March 16, 2011. Let's all get together and help out however we can -- and get a original JJ painting for your efforts!!!