Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Glorious Night Beasts by Brenda York

Waited for Divine Intervention...still waiting.

12x30" oil on canvas

OK, so it is a nearly perfect evening...everyone is gone. Everyone! A rare occurrence. No one whining about dinner. Not even the dogs (I pre-fed before they even thought about being hungry). I am painting, while watching "Splendor In The Grass"--always with the multi-tasking! I made a big bowl of popcorn and popped open an almost-frozen-and-definitely-slushy Miller Lite. Life is good! Back to it before the gods of "I can't get no satisfaction" pop my bubble...

And by the way, the above painting is a snapshot from my childhood. A terrifying alligator lived under my bed at night. Seriously. Explains a lot.....

$875 + 22 shipping

To see more paintings from my "Long Story Short" series please visit my website. Enjoy!