Monday, May 24, 2010

Mixed Media Demo #3, © Carol Nelson Fine Art

This is a mixed media demo piece I did for a recent workshop. It has copper metal, copper tacks and brads, tyvek, and acrylic paints on a wood panel with a black frame. Sometimes, when I'm demonstrating the use of various materials such as metals and tyvek, and showing methods of attachment, I end up putting together a pleasing little abstract during the class.

I liked how this one turned out. It's very 3D, an aspect which doesn't show very well in the photo. For purchase information, please see my website.


  1. This just made my day much brighter. Thanks a lot. Something else I came across was this Laguna Beach Gallery .Take a look!

  2. This caught my eye on the side of Pat's blog and I had to click & come over. Love the colors & design in this, and the fact that it's such a mix of media makes it even better. Wish I could see it in person, I'm sure the 3D and texture are terrific.
