Tuesday, February 9, 2010

100 OIL PORTRAITS IN 100 DAYS - Zetana, 41/100, © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Day 41

This beauty is my 12 year old grand daughter, Zetana. I remember when she was born, I was dubious about the name they picked. It seemed like a mouthful for a sweet baby girl. Now, I WISH I had a distinctive name like Zetana. I could just sign my paintings with a Z and everyone would know who it was!
If she grows up to be even remotely famous, she will only need to go by her first name. This painting is sold.

Don't forget to VOTE! Review portraits 31-40, and send me an email with your favorite to carolnelsonfineart@comcast.net People seem to be having trouble picking the winner out of this group. The voting will end tomorow (Thursday) at 10 pm MST.

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