Friday, January 1, 2010

100 PORTRAITS IN 100 DAYS - Suzanne, 1/100, © Carol Nelson Fine Art

Hello everyone. A new year, a new beginning. Today, as I launch my portrait project, I start with a subject I know very well. The curve of her smile, the twinkle of her eye - it's my daughter, Suzanne.

I am very excited about this project and hope my viewers will enjoy seeing a new face every day for the next three months or so. I have received many interesting, PAINTABLE photos for the project, but I still need more.

Please review the photo requirements, and send them in! In the next several days, along with the person of the day, I will explain, in detail, the process I go through to create these paintings. If you have already sent me a photo, please email me if you wish to have a link to your blog/website posted along with your image.

I cannot tell you when your painting will be posted because I have my husband randomly pick a photo for me to paint every day (that's the extent of his contribution - LOL).

If you haven't sent me a photo, why not? You have nothing to lose.
The sidebar on the right has a place where you can sign up for an automatic feed of this blog in your daily email. Thanks for visiting my blog.


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